Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Howdy Brethren and Cisterns!
"Brethren" is understood and "Cisterns" collect, save and dispense water... in this case, Living Water.
I found out about you guys at RagingElephants.Org because of your great move with the M. L. King billboard! Excellent move in getting that out into the realm. The enemy was suckered into having one of his pimps rally against your billboard, thereby getting the word about you and it spread all over the world. What a hoot!
My great-grandfather, his brothers and father all became Abolitionists after hearing the Abolitionist message and freeing their slaves on their Kentucky plantation, then hiring them as workers and friends. They used their plantation as a way station for the Underground Railroad until some of the local Democrat activists burned it down and tried to burn them up in it. (They haven't changed much in 150 years.)
My family escaped the flames and fled to Indiana where they joined the fledgling Republican Party in their support for the GOP's first national Presidential candidate John C. Fremont. Instead of the Republican, James Buchanon was elected, but they kept on in the struggle for freedom AND equality, and four years later helped get Abraham Lincoln elected.
Almost immediately after Lincoln's election, the Democrats who succeeded plunged the United States into war with their Democrat rebellion. My Great-Granddad and his brothers all immediately volunteered for President Lincoln's 100,000 man army of 90 day volunteers to put down the rebellion, all the while promoting the Truths of Abolitionism to which they had pledged their lives. After their 90 day enlistment expired, all four young men entered the U.S. Army in open enlistment because they believed in the Principles espoused at the Republican Party's formation, including changing Justice Robert Tanney's un-Godly Dred Scott decision. My family paid a high price as my Great-Granddad was the only son to survive the war and come home.
My family has continued to strive to pursue freedom and equality for people no matter what the micro-thin layer of melatonin in one's skin showed in color. Both of my Grand-Dads saw people for what was in their hearts rather than on their skin- for blacks, Indians, Orientals and Mexicanos. (You can't tell a non-Indian Mexican from any other Spainard.) My Daddy and his father took in some men fleeing from the KKK during the horrible Tulsa race riot, both standing armed guard at their celler door as the KKK drove by waving guns. They've all been men of principle.
When I'm with my black skinned friends in Africa, the Bahamas or here in the States, I honestly don't even realize that there skin is darker than mine. I don't care what color a person's skin is as I'm more concerned with what is in their hearts and minds, just as I am with people of any other color... white, red or purple. (When I've been around blue people, I've given CPR effectively and brought about a change in color... THAT's the only time I care about a person's skin color.)
I'd like to see Michael Steele stand more firmly on the wise Conservative Principles that got him to his position and more boldly on those principles on which he stands. When he's around punks or dealing with punks, let him call the Truth down on who he's dealing with.
He doesn't and no one else needs to attack your Brothers in Spirit or Brothers in Arms, no matter what the Democrats and the Media say about them.
RagingElephants.Org has been bold and loud in speaking the Truth while calling out the Democrats' continued tendency to want to own people as slaves, even if it's mentally, morally and Spiritually now instead of just physically. We all need to change the Plantation mentality as happened with my Great-Granddad when he heard the Abolition message and then exposed the hypocracy of the Democrats' positions. Keep up the good work Brothers, and "Illegitimi Non-Carborundum". Lord bless Y'all.